Thursday, August 21, 2014

Pre Production!!

Home for 2 months!!
Whatsup Mo Fackas!? So I'm back for my third update on the tour life today!! Ok so maybe it's not the tour life today but it's PRE tour! Still away from home!! So these past few days have been ridiculous. We've been running practice runs of the shows and all I can say is I work with a bunch of goof balls. Though it has been work, it has been a blast. I love my new job. I can't wait to do it every night for the next 10 weeks!! But so on another note, I am sitting here watching the Epic Ink season Premier on A&E starring my friend Heather Maranda. Watching her do what she does best and knowing that she fucking kills it is is so cool!! Keep killing it man!

So here I am talking to my fellow crew members about the band my family and my friends and my boy. I miss my boy so much. I can't wait to get back and hug him and get his goofy forehead kisses and for him to stand in my doorway waiting for me to hold his hand before he goes anywhere. His ice blue eyes that when he looks at you, it just causes you to melt. That big goofy smile he pretty much always wears. I love and miss ya buddy. I'll be home soon! And Shayne, my bestest fucking friend. Shayne has texted me every day making sure I'm having a great day. What a bad ass best friend. I can't wait to see you either man! September 14th bitch! And the band. Man what a family. Those guys are killing it. I want you guys to know that I'm working too man! Promoting the band doing everything I can to keep things rolling. Our Adventure has just begun.

In other news as of yesterday DeadPass...sss......sssssssss... IS OFFICIALLY BOOKED FOR THE DENVER DATE OF THE TOUR!!!! Fuck yeah!! The dream becomes more and more real every day!! September 14th at Castlemans in Denver, with a few other great bands! Tickets are 10 damned dollars!! Plus I'll be dropping the link where everyone can watch the broadcasts. every night if they'd like. But specifically so they can watch the show in Denver when DeadPass tears up the stage with Imprisonment(FT. Collins) and a few touring bands as well as some Denver locals. Did I mention that it's broadcast to  ~500,000 people. COONNNNTEEEEENNNNTTT!!!!!!

So anyways here I am, laying in bed not on my comfy as hell air mattress. Probably the first air mattress I've ever been on that didn't have to be aired up 2 times a night because it leaks somewhere. In fact not once since I've been here. It's been a killer week so far and time is just flying by. I can't wait to get on the road and to see the country. LA has been a awesome. Walking through walmart and there were more beautiful girls than I could count. <3 the beautiful girls. Ah jesus I almost forgot to post the pictures I have taken. I think we're gonna go to the beach sometime next week before we take off!? CAN'T WAIT. It has taken me 6 hours to write this because I've been side tracked and distracted and tired. It's not 1 am. Time for bed!
