Thursday, August 14, 2014

Whatsup everyone!! So many of you may or may not know me, I'm Colton Krohn, most of my friends call me Spud or some variation of the word, and a few other obscured nick names. I play guitar for an American Heavy Metal Band called DEADPASS, we have been doing a ton of cool stuff lately and if you are interested in checking us out I'll post links later. But I digress, I am 20 years old and I have been given an opportunity to travel the country as a Graphic Design Tech for a company called Project Independent. And though normally this blog would not be something I would do I was told by many good friends and family and quite a few supporters of mine that I should start a blog journal of my travels. And thus here we are.

So today is a huge day! Today my journey starts! I board my plane today in Denver today at 5:30 PM and land in LA around 7:00!! Today is the day I embark on an journey that not many people get to, and even fewer are offered. I feel blessed to be given this opportunity and I'm incredibly excited. LA HERE I COME!! THE REST OF THE COUNTRY IS NEXT!! I'm so very stoked to get the opportunity to work with so many bands who are fighting for their spot in the independent metal scene, which is so very hard to do, and as a fellow independent metal head I support them. This is my way of giving back to the metal community if you will.
(This is the flyer of every date, and here is a link to the page where you can find the venues and whatnot)

                                     PI Tour Dates & Venues

Now that is not the only thing that makes today in HUGE day! But Today is also my little brother Simon Durham's 15TH BIRTHDAY!! The biggest shout out to him. He is growing into an incredible young man, He has a huge pride in the things he does and that great because he's so very good at them. He's doing great in football and he has his own car to remodel. Keep you head up buddy because I promise you will go far. You are too talented not to. Just keep working hard at your dreams. Happy birthday buddy, I love you even if it doesn't seem like it some times. I can't to see you the end of this month.

So to cap this monumental day off, I'm have been in Denver since Monday evening because Tuesday and Wednesday were spent recording for the DeadPass Debut EP with the incredible Dave Otero who has been an inspiration for me for quite some time now. It was an honor to get to work with him and I'm honored to have him as a part of our cd. So guitars are officially finished with the exception of a few leads that Gene will be topping off in the next few weeks!!!!! These songs are going to be absolutely incredible. Today I board my plane and head off to LA to go hang out with some awesome people!!

And on that note! I'm off for the day! You guys rock and STAY METAL!!

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